Friday, February 11, 2011

Morocco How To #1: Bucket Baths

Bucket baths can be very enjoyable if taken properly. As I was describing them to a friend back home, it became apparent that not everyone knows how to take a bucket bath let alone what a bucket bath is. I will now explain what a bucket bath is and how one should properly take one.

Introducing Layla's Moroccan How To!

Moroccan How to #1: Bucket Baths

What is is? A bucket bath is a system of cleaning ones self (or rinsing the first layer of dirt and grime off) when a shower is not present. It involves heating a kettle of water and pouring it over ones self.

Materials needed: Large bucket, small bucket(preferably one with a handle) or cup, small stool, kettle, water, shampoo, soap
Use as Needed: razor, washcloth, brush, conditioner, lotion, towel

Step 1: Heat a kettle of water. The amount of water you heat will depend on preference. For the extremely cold days, I recommend two kettles. For warmer days, one should be sufficient.

Step 2: Pour heated water into a large bucket.

Step 3: Fill rest of bucket with tap water (unheated) or well water (purified) until it reaches a comfortable temperature.

Step 4: Begin by sitting on small stool and using small bucket or cup to wet hair and body.

Step 5: Shampoo hair and soap body. This is where you may want to use the razor and washcloth. To reach all those hard to get spots, standing up will be necessary.

Step 6: Rinse using small bucket or cup.

Step 7: If needed, condition hair.

Step 8: Rinse using small bucket or cup.

Step 9: Remaining water in large bucket can be used at your discretion. I like to pour it over my head because then I feel like I'm taking a shower.

Step 10: Towel dry or if no towel is present, air dry. Use lotion and brush as necessary.

You're done!

I hope this 'how to' has clarified what a bucket bath is and how to enjoy one. Next time on Layla's Moroccan How to: how to wrap a lizar. If you've enjoyed this 'how to', let me know and stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

. said...

The concept of an 'efficient' bucket bath cannot be separated from the presence of a loofah.

There is also winter bucket bathing where you remain clothed and wash one limb/appendage at a time. In the absence of enough water to bathe, there is also the baby-wipe bath. Never recommended though is the french shower technique of dousing one's self in perfume.

Hi! <3 Aida.